News - Link Credit Union Ltd
Loan calculator
Loan calculator

How members can use our services

How members can use our services News
07 March 2021|Read time:  1.94 Min

How members can use our services

We would like to remind Members that most Credit Union services are available online and through one of our offices. I want to carry out a transaction by speaking to someone in the one of our offices. Please call us on 0429675000 I want to carry out a transaction online...

Flexible Finance News
20 July 2021|Read time:  4.77 Min

Flexible Finance

County Cavan Credit Unions have come together as a group, to offer their members...

Apple Pay News
07 March 2021|Read time:  1.42 Min

Apple Pay

We are pleased to bring you a safer way to pay, giving you the freedom to securely spend without a €50 contactless limit, touch-free with Apple Pay...

Registering for online banking News
07 March 2021|Read time:  18.12 Min

Registering for online banking

Before registering for our online services, the following information must be up to date on your...